10 December, 2014

الشعر العربي في الأندلس

محمد فيصل بن أنس                                 ......................
        الأدب الأندلسي كان الأدب الحقيقي الذي تمتع به الأوربيون ولو كانوا انتقدوا علي الأدب العربي القديم والجديد أنه كان الجمال اللفظي فقط ولكن ليس لديهم حتي كلمة واحدة. من التنقيد حين درسوا الأدب الأندلسي.
        نجد أول نموذج من الأدب العربي في الأندلس في خطبة فاتحها طارق ابن زياد. فكأن قد قدرالله بداية حضارة الأندلس بالخطبة الأدبية المشهورة التي ليس لها نظير ولا مثال.   فلم تتأخرت الأندلس أن تمتعت بالأدب العربي الشعر والنثر بعد قيام الدولة الإسلامية علي الفور . وهذا أصبح ممكنا لأن الفاتحين كانوا أهل اللغة العربية وكانوا مولعين بالشعر والأدب كطارق بن زياد وعبد الرحمن الداخل. والسبب الاخر هو سفر الأدباء والشعراء من العراق والشام إليها.
        ولو كانت توجد الرقابة السياسية بين الشرق والغرب ولكن أهل الأندلس تتأثروا بشعراء الشرق ولم تتأثروا فقط بل قلدوهم في الوزن والقافية والأصناف وجميع اللوازم الشعرية  واستفيدوا منهم  كثيرا. ولا تجد الفرق بين الشاعريتين إلا في المعاني. فالشاعرية الأندلسية تحتمل المعاني الملونة بفضل القرب بالأوربا وما حولها من المناظر البهيجة والأزهار والأنهار. ويذكر ذلك الرافعي يقول" إن الأدب الأندلسي لايبزه في التاريخ إلا الأدب العراقي، ولقد يكون في الأندلس ما ليس في العراق من بعض فروع الحضارة والصناعة، غير الفرق ما بين الموطنين في زينة الطبيعة ونضارة الإقليم، إلا أن الأدب العراقي ممتاز بمتانة اللغة، ولقربة من البادية ولاستفحال الرواية هناك، و بكونه أصلا."
ومن أدباء الشرق الذين وصلوا الأندلس واستقروا هناك هم المغني الشهير زرياب المتوفي 852م و الأديب الباهر أبو علي القالي المتوفي 867م. ثم لايزال تجري هذه السلسلة حتي طفقت الأندلس تنجب مثلهم من الشعراء الذين أثروا الشرق بفضاحتهم في اللغة ومهارتهم في فنون الشعر مثل المدح والغزل والرثاء والدعاء والزهد والتصوف والفلسفة والمزاح والمجون و عالجوا سياسة الإجتماع ونظموا حوادث التاريخ وابدعوا ماشاءوا الابداع في الوصف.
اصبح الشعر شغل أهل الأندلس ليلا ونهارا، فالأمير والمأمور والحاكم والمحكوم كلهم جعلوا ينشغلون به. فعبد الرحمن الداخل وحكم أول و عبد الرحمن الثاني ومحمد منذر وغيرهم الكثير من الأسرة الأموية كانوا شعراء ولهم دور هام في ترويج الشعر في الأندلس. وكذلك كان عامة الناس مولعين بالشعر ومارسوا فيه حتي فاقوا بعضهم بعض شعراء الشرق واعترف بذلك المتنبي. و من أهم شعراءها :
ابن عبد ربه (860-940) قال الشعر في الوصف والغزل ولقبه المتنبي بالمليح الأندلس وقال عنه " يا ابن عبد ربه لقد تأتيك العراق حبوا" وله:
بليت وأبليتني الليالي بكرها        وصرفان للأيام معتوران
ومالي لاأبلي أبلي لسبعين حجة    وعشر أتت من بعدها سنتان
ولست أبالي من تباريح علتي     إذا كان عقلي باقيا ولساني
ابن هانئ (938-974) أمير شعراء الأندلس وشعر من الطبيعة العالية أن يجمع بين سلاسة التفكير و سلامة التعبير وقد أعجب المتنبي بأسلوبه. قال في المدح والغزل أكثر.
من أشعاره:
غرض ترامي في الخطوب فذا     قوس وذاسهم وذا وتر
فجزعت حتي ليس بي جزع   وحذرت حتي ليس بي حذري
ابن زيدون (1070-1004)  أعظم شعراء الأندلس وشعره هو الصورة الصحيحة لشعر الأندلس. وهو الذي ترك التقليد و شعر لنفسه. جل شعره في حب حبيبته ولكن قال غيره أيضا.
أما رجا قلبي فأنت جميعه     يا ليتني أصبحت بعض رجائي
يدنو بوصلك حين شط مزاره    وهم أكاد به أقبل فاك
ومن الشعراء الاخرين ابن حمديس الصقلي و ابن خفاجة و ابن الخطيب وابن حزم وابن عبدون وابن عماو و غيرهم الكثير.
وقد أعطت الأندلس الأدب العربي صنفي الشاعرية هما الموشح والزجل:
الموشح أو التوشيح من ميزات الشعر الأندلسي التي لانجد قبلها. اخترعه مقدم بن معافر الفربري كما قال ابن خلدون واختلف الرافعي عنه وقال إن عبادة القزاز هو مخترعه و صنع محمد بن محمود أوزانه. و سبب اختراعه هو الغناء فقط. و قال الرافعي إن الغناء هوالأصل في التوشيح والمدة بين شيوع الغناء واستحداث الموشح لا تزيد عن نصف قرن. والموسيقا أيضا من أسباب اختراعه. تطور الموشح سريعا في الأندلس حيث مال إليه الشعراء واشتاقوا إليه فإبن أرفع شاعر المأمون بن ذي النون هوالذي أخذه عن عبادة ثم القطيلي الأعمي الذي نال به شهرة ثم يحي بن بقي و محمد الأنصاري و محمد أبي الفضل بن شرف والأخرون. و جاء ابوبكر بن زهير الذي اتفق له الشعراء من بدائع الموشحات التي شرقت و غربت. و كذلك ابن الخطيب له بدائع كثيرة ثم العقيلي الوشاح و هلم جرا.
نموذج من الموشح:
خذ حديث الشوق عن نفسي     وعن الدمع الذي همعا
ما تري شوقي قج وقدا
وهما دمعي وأطردا
واغتدي عليك سدي
الزجل كلام منظوم علي وزن مخصوص بقواف مختلفة وهو صنف ثاني من اختراع الأندلسيين و أبوبكر بن قزمان هوالذي أول من قال به. ولو ظهر الزجل قبله أيضا لكن اشتهر في ذلك الزمن. وسبب اختراعه هوالشاعر نفسه. فإنه نظم في حب الصبيان في المكتب:
الِملاحُ ولادْ أماره        [ولاوْحاش] ولاد نَصاره
وابن قزمان جايغفر     ماقبلوا الشيخ غفاره
فقال الشيخ "قد هجوتنا بكلام مزجول" ومن هذا سمي زجلا.

وشاع الزجل في زمن ابن قزمان ونال به الشهرة عيسي البليدي وابن زاهر الأشبيلي والأخرون وأثر الزجل الشرق أيضا فإنهم أكثروا فيه الأوزان ومن أشهرهم علاءالدين بن مقاتل وابن حجة والأخرون. وجاء به المصريون أيضا ووجدوا فيه حلاوة النيل ووافق هذالفن طبيعتهم واخترعوا فيه النوعين البليقة والقرقية. ومن نوابغها في الزجل الغباري و محمد الحباك والأخرون.

24 July, 2014

I Love You

Let my heart
To speak your name
Let my eyes
To speak your pic
Let my hands
To ask u to touch u
But All can't do
But the lips can do
It speaks nothing
But i love you
All i have
The love of u
All i have
To look at u
All i have
To touch your body
All i have
To smile at u
All i have
To kiss u once
And speak u once
O my life, i love u
I Love U
..............Faisal Anas

17 May, 2014

Importance of English

By:            Faisal Anas
Language is the medium of communication. Linguists say “a language is the written and spoken method of combining words to create meaning used by a particular group of people”
Language either can be verbal and non-verbal. Non-verbal includes gestures, signals and drawings etc. that are the medium of communication by which someone communicate the message. Verbal means a language that is spoken by human being. There are lots of language in the world. Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, Spanish, French, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese and English. But the status which English language gained, no language became successful to achieve that. English became world’s native language. Everywhere and in every field, there is need of English.
Before we discuss about its scope and importance, let us know the history of it. How, when and why this language got the status of world’s largest language. English language emerged on the sky of the world because of colonial era. British has ruled in many nations which are known as commonwealth nations. In almost all such nations, there is importance of this language. People learn, speak, listen and read. Second reason is discovery. Yes, most of inventions of the world invented by British and Americans and they used English to as the language of their inventions, that’s why everyone had to learn it. Thus English became largest and most common language of the world.
 Official Status:   Officially, this language is the most popular and used in widest range in the world. It is the national language of 58 countries while French has 29 and Arabic has 25 counts only. In other nations which does not have English as an official language like India, Pakistan and Nepal, people speak on large scale and many of them prefer this to other language not only in office, in business on seminars but in general conversation too. This make it world’s largest language. There is only two language in the world which spoken in almost every country. English and Arabic but first one has more enough speakers than the second one.
Economic Status:  Since it became common language of all, when the speakers of two different language meet, the only option to hold conversation is English. We all know the importance of business. Business is almost dealt in English. Because there is no option in international trading and marketing.  Russian does not understand Hindi. Pakistani does not understand Chinese. German does not understand Japanese etc. but English is familiar for all and that’s when two of them meet, they hire and translator who can translate from English to another language and vise versa. And that’s why this is famous saying that when a Korean businessman go to deal with his Brazilian counterpart, the only option of language is English.
English in Media: English media is found everywhere in the world. Top five broadcasting companies like CBS, NBC, ABC, BBC and CBC use English. English news channels and newspapers and also magazines are available in all over the world.
Social Networking:  social networking uses English as its own language. World’s largest online encyclopedia (Wikipedia) uses English as its main language. All search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing work in English. World’s largest social networking website Facebook and others like Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Flickr and Whatsapp are also run in English.
International Organizations: UNO has five languages. That are Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish.  But English has more influence in it. In 2009, out of 189 UNO members, 120 preferred to use English to communicate with other embassies.
Almost all international instructions were created in English language. WHO, WTO AND WFP are some examples.
Sports:  no doubt, English is the language of sports. Cricket, football, badminton, Hocky, wrestling, baseball and golf. All of them and others also uses English as the main language. All rules and regulations of all international games are written in English. All terminologies are English. All kinds of announcements and results are published in English. And official broadcasting of all games is played in English only.
Education: English language has a treasure of literature. Shakespeare, the world’s most famous poet and novelist was writing in English. Not only Shakespeare, but there a long list of poets, novelists, article and story writes, thinkers, philosophers and researchers who chose English to promote their particular ideas among the people. No doubt, other languages are also rich in literature but English is richest.
There are English medium schools in every nation and also you can find institutions which teach English. This shows the importance of it. There are many companies in the world which teach English. They have many branches in all over the world. Lingua, American and Focus are such examples. And it is a field of business too.
English in India: India is one of the commonwealth nations. Like all commonwealth members, India is influenced by English during the British era. When they left the country, they left their language also. And due to its easiness and importance, people started using it. Teachers started teaching and students started learning it. Businessmen started dealing in it. Even the government adopted this language and now English is the second language of India after Hindi. And I go one step ahead and say that Hindi is First language only on the paper but reality says something else. English has more influence than Hindi not only in business, in media, Bollywood, schools and universities, sports, politics but in government too. Almost all kinds of forms of government recruitment are issued in English. Almost all announcements of government come in English and even our president, vice president, prime minister and top political leaders mostly deliver their official and non-official statements and speeches in English. Almost all parliament’s proceedings are held in English.
Indian public sector in not untouched from English. There is craziness for English in Indian society. Everyone wants to speak English and now, people speak Hindi or Urdu because they do not know English.   When anyone of them learn English, he/she starts using it in daily life. Following lines will tell you how English is ruling on Indian society.
·         In education, prospectus of all universities, student identity and admit cards, admission and examination forms, results and all kinds of official announcements are issued only in English.
·         Some courses are taught only in English, like MBA, all medical and engineering courses, hotel management, pilot course and law.
·         In business, name of all companies, logos, monograms, slogans, advertising, name of products, and print of wrappers on products and found only in English.
·         Government related issues like Driving License, Adhaar Card, and Voter ID Card, name plate of vehicles, traffic signals and signboards and only in English.
·         Train reservation, bus tickets, air tickets, all kinds of ticket bookings are only in English.
·         The NAVY is totally in English as well as aircraft too.
·         Banking sector, insurance sector, marketing, transactions, purchasing and business deals are only in English.
Here, it is not possible to count all, the list is long and the paper is short. I can only say that English became a part of our DNA. English became the medium of success. English is the name highness and development. English is the symbol of style and smartness. If you want to show yourself as educated, if you want to impress someone, if you want to do your job interview better, you should use English in all.
Observing its importance, as I mentioned above, many institutions are opened to teach English. The CEP (communicative English Program) of Jamia Miliia Islamia is one of them. Now it is ending its third successful session. With this end, CEP has been taught not less than 600 students so far. I am very proud to be a part of it. Only 6 months passed since I joined it and now I can write a long essay, not only on this topic but on any topic and not only me but all students of CEP can do this. CEP made them to work hard to learn it in its own style. We, the students learned it, we gained it because we know the importance of English in our society.


17 March, 2014

SEP and My Life Style Changing

Everyone in our society has ability to do something. Every person has different kinds of skills and abilities but only some of them can change the ability into success. This is because he/she has self-enrichment, self-confidence and has the ability to utilize his/her skill in a proper way.
JMI, this year has organized a program named SEP for the students of CEP.  It aims at making the students self-enriched. To let the students recognize his/her skills and to let them learn how to get advantage of his/her ability and skill.
I am very happy and glad to be a part of it. Now, in brief, I am telling you what I have got from this program so far.
To know myself:
In the first session. I learnt that I have lots of plus points. I am already successful in many fields. I have lots of skills. I have knowledge and I can do anything. The only thing I need is hard work. Second thing I learnt from session one is creativity. To manage something without the help of others.
Obstacles on our goals:
Second session was based on my belief, luck and hard work. In other words “how to get success”. It taught that we are ourselves responsible for our failure and we must not hold another person/thing/ incidents or luck responsible for our failure because if we work hard we will get more. No one has the power to stop the success of anyone.
It is fact that luck does its job but only 5% or 10% and no more. If we start blaming then we will stop working hard and it will lead us downwards.
This session also told us that everyone is important in our society. We must either compare two persons in ability nor respect or disrespect someone on this basis.
Listening ability:
This is the very important point of interacting and giving good response to someone who is speaking to you hoping better response. Good listening ability makes you good speaker too.
The next session was based on it. How to listen properly, how to understand the matter, how to negotiate on any issue, how to give proper and good response, how to advice someone, this session had the answers of all such questions. The question that relate to the listening and understanding power. That is a part of life. That is the key point of success.
Sometimes rumors make the issue dangerous. When an incident or news spreads through person to person, it loses its core and after some mediums, it remains nothing but a bottle without wine or a note book without words. So, it is very important to narrate a story or incident as it is, without any changing and in simple words so that everyone can understand it properly. Indirectly, we also understood that every news we listen is not liable. Before trusting on it, investigation is must.
Decision making:
In day to day life, we face some problems which may be easy but due to lack of knowledge of solving it, we consider it major, which may be the cause of failure. But, if we understand it properly and think it properly, and decide for its result or option seriously and with cool mind, the problem become minor and we feel happy.
Next session was based on it. If I have two important work on the same time, if my friend gets angry with me due to my brother, if I got blamed of any undoing crime, if my family does not allow me to study more, what to do in such cases? Yeah! It’s looking hard to manage but if you had attended this session, you can solve it easily. The most important thing for it to not decide on any issue in a hurry. We must think a lot first, then look for options, then decide and then apply the decision. If this formula is applied, the problem is solved quickly. That’s all.
Thus, SEP is a very important course. Everyone should attend its classes. It improves our life styles. It teaches us how to behave better. Its psycho-cum sociology lessons make the person perfect to act properly in any situation without any tension. In other words “we learn to behave better by psychology lessons in sociology environment and apply all in our daily life to make our results and outcome better and it helps to make the society better. That is the aim of SEP. I wish it all the best for next years and May Allah make it successful.
Faisal Anas

04 February, 2014

Muhabbat..............( ek azad nazam)

Ek Nasha He
Uski Muhabbat Ka
Uski Chahat Ka
Uski Deewangi Aur Junoon Ka
Us K Akhlaq Par Farefta
Uski Muskurahaton Par. Jaan Nisar
Uski Haya Par Jaan Qurban
Us K Takalkum Par Gosh Fida Hen
Us K Tarannum Par Ala E Sama'at Meh Ve Hairat He
Usk E Chehre Ki Ronaq Par Ankhen Meh Ve Hairat He
Us K Sarape Par Aql Meh Ve Hairat He
Us K Qadmo Ki Ahat Se
Mere Dil Ko Dhadkan Milti He
Us K Labon Ki Musbat Jumbish
Mere Labon Ki Jumbish Ban Jati He
Ab Samajh Me Aya Faisal
K Mai Q Zinda Hun
Mai Khud Zinda Nahi
Bal Ki
Kisi k Jism Me Do Zindagiyan Hen
Ek Meri.......Ek Uski