10 February, 2012

5 Biggest Libraries of the World

Importance of education is accepted to  everyone. Nobody can reject its importance. Education improves status of life style and make human kind and gentle,, so human being attracted to it when they feel that without education life is impossible to live it successfully and easily and also they can not do any thing without education.

when we know the importance of education, we must know the importance of books because education is not possible without books. Human being used to write books as their thoughts n articles from a long long time.
When they wrote books, they need to store it and people to read it and a safe place it should be kept and all people read easily, so they need library.
Library is a place where you can find books which you want.
There are many libraries in the world which contain a large number of books and allow people to read what they want. I am very thankful to those who interested and took a part in collecting books and building libraries because I like educations and books very much .Here are some featured libraries which claimed biggest in quantity and quality also.

Name:                          Library of Congress    
Place:                           Washington    
Quantity:                     29 million
Established in:             24 April 1800
Website:                      http://www.loc.gov/index.html

Name:                          National Library of China 
Place:                           Beijing
Quantity:                     24 million   
Established in:             1909
Website:                      http://www.nlc.gov.cn/old/old/english.htm

Name:                                    Library of Russian  
Place:                           St.petersburg (russia)
Quantity:                     20 million
Established in:             1714
Website:                      http://www.nlr.ru/eng/

Name:                                    Deutsche Bibliothek
Place:                           Frankfurt (Germany)
Quantity:                     17 million
Established in:                         1990
Website:                                  http://www.d-nb.de/

Name:                                                National Library of Canada
Place:                                       Ottawa (Canada)
Quantity:                                 16 million
Established in:                         1953
 Website:                                 http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/index-e.html



Anonymous said...

very use ful
thank u very much

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I respect books

Anonymous said...

Good article

Anonymous said...

I found it very informative.